Positive Focus Sunday - Spring is Coming!

After a great 'road trip' day on Saturday with a friend, the temperatures have dipped a bit today and will remain 'dipped' until we have some stormy weather on Wednesday. 

Part of the road trip involved introducing my friend to Big Bloomers in Sanford. Of course, that was the first of many I'll probably make during the year. But a first for me was lunch at Mrs. Lacy's Magnolia House. 

From my purchases at Big Bloomers, I finally used a planter my friend's husband made for me last year. I was waiting for just the right thing. And for now, it is housing pansies. 

I love the orange pansies. 

Other signs of spring in my yard...

My 'Costco' peony is budding up.

My comfrey is emerging. I had divided and moved last year and placed it around my compost heap. Two on this side are doing fine and leaving out. The two on the other side...well, there is still hope.

I am hoping to be able to harvest asparagus this year. And my first shoot is peeking through!

'Elberta' peach is budding up and getting ready to bloom. My plum trees and my pears, plus my other peach are not far behind. 

And not to be forgotten, 'Christine', my Montana peony is also sending up shoots. 

Spring has not officially sprung, but there is a hint of it already.


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