Amani as a Subject
I recently found out about a new filter gallery for Photoshop. And have downloading (which Adobe doesn’t make easy), I experimented with the same picture on the different effects. So here is Amani, sitting very nicely for me while I take pictures of the sunrise.
She looks so smart there. And she is such a destructo if left unkenneled for even a moment. So I took her to the dam and let her run around while I took pictures. Luckily, she comes back nicely and stays close.
Anyway, here are some different views of Amani.
This is the fisheye effect. You can zoom in on certain areas and vary the radius of the fish eye.
Here is Amani as a kaleidoscope.
I pixelated her. And then I rippled her.
These are “blocks” of ripples and you can vary the size of the ripples.
Here she is ‘sphered’. One of my favorite filters.
The following three filters I ‘spun’ her……
‘tube viewed’ her….. (another favorite)
and ‘twirled’ her…..
And the effect I was originally going to this set of filters for….watercolor….
So this is how I spent my morning. Did homework get done? Sewing? Housework? Nooooooooo…..but I did learn something!
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