Writing Wednesday - Fae Trouble Update


It's progressing. 

I had set a deadline of January 9 to set up files for Fae Trouble. This meant pulling together handwritten notes, what I had done for NaNoWriMo, a few pages of notes and concept which was pre-NaNoWriMo and getting it together in one place. 

Well, two places. I have my 'physical' paper file and then my computer files.

It's done!

I have a folder to dump things in on my desktop. I printed out what I had on the computer because I am basically started from word one again. 

My outline, which is due on the 16th of this month, is done! I know where I am starting. Where I want to end up at the end of the book. The ups and downs in between. 

Because of this, I now have ideas for 3, maybe 4 books to make this a series. 


And I have gotten a couple of offers for beta readers, which puts me under the gun to actually produce. In order to get my 20,000 words a month, I need to write at least 1000 words a day. I figured in a few days 'off' in that calculation to be realistic. 

I think I am going to post the first sentences of chapters as I go along as part of my Writing Wednesday, so stay tuned.


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