Writing Wednesday - It's All About Avoidance!

I will wave my hand proudly as I crown myself the Queen of Avoidance.

Avoidance, as opposed to procrastination, which is about putting things off, rather than just avoiding doing them.

Last Thursday, I decided to change my environment in order to get some words onto paper. I gathered up my notebook and headed to Starbucks. I had a free drink reward and Lady K was at school, so I was going to sip and write.

I arrived at Starbucks, ordered my Venti Cinnamon Shortbread Frappuccino with a Blonde Shot, and spread out my notebook on a tiny table, all ready to write.

And the phone rang.

I don't get many calls. 

Actually, I don't get calls at all except for annoying calls telling me my social security number has been frozen and I need to contact them (and turn over my nonexistent money).

It was GameStop, asking if I could come in and make phone calls to let people who preordered Kingdom Hearts about the release 'party' on Monday evening.

Of course, I said yes. Especially since I am asking for extra hours. So I had to go home and change, eat lunch and go in and make phone calls for three hours.

So, did any words get written? Nope, not a one.

Then yesterday, I had a total 'meltdown'!

Not only did I not do any at-home work or writing. Or housecleaning (my usual avoidance technique). 

Rather (hanging head in shame)...

I watched non-stop YouTube videos.

And not 'good' YouTube videos either. But ones on 'bad neighbors', bad tenants, catching trespassers. Really garbage videos! For hours!


When I came out of my video coma, I was asked to download a game code for Texter being sent to her from Savvy. 

I figured out on my own, how to may sure the PS4 was connected to the internet and then input the code. After it downloaded I made the decision I needed to give it a try myself. 

And there went another two hours!

Until Lady K asked me not to play it after dark as it was 'scary'. (Yes, it is - Resident Evil 2).

Then it was book reading, bath and bedtime.


Today I am stiffening my resolve! 

I will do my work-from-home and get some writing done.

But first, more coffee!


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