Posititve Focus Thursday - Flowers!

I grew up with vegetable gardens. My grandfather, my parents - they all had gardens. 

In college I had a roomful of houseplants, mainly due to the fact that down a back road in East Texas was this little greenhouse which sold plants cheaply.

I am now filling my house with plants. Texter has been bitten by the cactus/succulent bug. Savvy wants to bring more plants into her room at her house.

Thus, Lady K has been 'infected' with the green bug.

Actually, what has taken her fancy is buying flowers at the store. In November and December i purchased flowers for the monthly special at the Charlotte Flower Market. She took some into her teacher. Plus she wants some in her room. 

On Saturday at Trader Joe's, they had carnations very reasonably priced. We came home with pink for Lady K and red to take to her teacher.

I have found over the years a little gift of flowers can bring a lot of joy to the day. Especially at the start of another week. So red carnations went into school for Ms. Henderson to enjoy.

On the homefront, my amaryllis are doing something which has never happened to me before.

Bloom spikes!

I was expecting the leaves to come up and then I was going to repot them into a bit container during the summer so they will rebloom next summer. I have done this in the past and it's fun to see amaryllis blooming in the summer.

But no. I'm going to get more flowers! These bulbs will be monitored carefully and I will decide if I am going to attempt to get them to rebloom next Christmas or follow through with my original plans.

I love plants. There is nothing better than 'talking' to them and seeing them grow. I, and my friends, haunt the clearance shelves at Home Depot and Lowe's. 

So if you are feeling down, get a plant! Buy flowers! Or both!


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