Pumpkins and Acorns and Cats
They will go perfectly with the other project I am working on.....felted pumpkins! The first 2 I did were sold within an hour of getting them to work. So I now have 1 one and 2 white and 1 small black pumpkin. Had to get some Cascade 220 to make more with. Will post a finished orange pumpkin shortly....not just one posing on Drama Queen's head.
Not that she's shy or anything, she was more than willing to wear this to school if she could as a hat. I need to find her a really, really funky hat to wear. She put it own after I had felted it some, so I figured it would at least be drying around. This is the kitty I quickly knit up from spare yarn. Actually, it is the second one. The first one was a little smaller and only 1 color. But they were both grabbed and taken off into no man's land.
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