Week in Review - March 4 - 10

It's been a great week for the most part. We won't talk about me slipping on the ice Friday morning and now have a knee brace to help with the discomfort of trying to do a snowboarding move and failing.


We have had warming temperatures!

My bay window of plants got a bit of a 'makeover' this week. I had a piece of one of the orchids break off and hopefully, it will flourish by itself in a new pot. My African violet has been blooming now for months and shows no sign of stopping. I think it might be over and there is another flush of flowers. And I have several orchids ready to open up. Loving the look.

But back to the warmer temperatures. What we find so funny here in Montana is even with still being in the 30's, everyone is in sweaters and jackets, not heavy coats. As long as the sun is out, it is actually pleasant.

Last Sunday was the Princess Tea. What a great time (and great snacks). For the full report, read this post and enjoy the pictures. 

Monday was my first weigh-in at Weight Watchers and I lost 4.4 pounds! Huzzah! We won't discuss how I killed my points on Wednesday with a stop at KFC in Whitehall, Montana. Who knew a biscuit used up all those points!

Most of the week was spent finishing up projects which had been sitting there. They include...

  • 'Bella' Bear for Lady K
  • Soup bowls
  • 'Dog' pillow
  • 2 gauze and minky blankets for Texter and Lady K

  • Pulled out pieces of a quilt and restarted on it

  • A quick trip to Whitehall to the Dysfunctional Quilter to pick up my bag I had 'earned' from my purchases back last summer. They were out of them at that time, restocked in October, and I finally made it there.

I love the bag. It's a nice heavy canvas bag. And I picked up a needle threader while I was at it.

I have reached the age where I am saying 'screw it' when it comes to trying to stick thread through the tiny eye of a needle. And this one is so cute!

The coming week will be much of the same...

  • Beta read on a novel for a friend
  • Attend a craft session at the library
  • Finish up the Flower Quilt and pick another project to finish up on
  • Finish up the Octopus Hat
  • Go watch 'A Winkle in Time'
  • Attend the huge sale at Dysfunctional Quilter on Saturday with a friend
But for now, I have to go fix hot chocolate for Lady K (and another cup of coffee for myself).


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