Week in Review - March
What a week!
After spending last Sunday 'resting' from a fabric sale binge, Monday was spent trying to get the empty boxes semi-organized in my room and finishing up the first of 4 pillows for Texter's auction.
Tuesday started out on a down note as when I was getting up, the earpiece to my glasses fell off. Sigh.
I do have 3 sets of 'old' glasses. All of which have warped frames and are no longer the correct prescription. But I could drive with them. After dropping of Texter and Kayden at school, I went into Montana Eye Care. They managed to repair the hinge enough I could wear them while they ordered a replacement frame.
But it's been two years since my last exam, so they were able to get me in the next day. My prescription has changed a 'click' and now I will have my old pair (with a little scratch on the left lens) and a brand new pair to use. Just in time for heading back to North Carolina. There would be nothing worse than being in the middle of nowhere and having something happen to my only 'good' pair of glasses.
Also on Tuesday 'IT' happened!
We found a house to rent.
I wasn't going to really start looking until 01 April. But in scrolling through listings, I found one with a large bonus room in what appears to be a nice neighborhood (i.e. it's near a Bojangles!)
Our one concern is without Texter having a job yet, any qualification is done based solely on my income which wouldn't quite meet their requirements. But they are taking a chance on us anyway. It was then a flurry of getting deposit checks sent off, utilities set up for being turned on 01 May. Yes, we won't be there until about the 16th or 17th, but there was already interest in the house and we needed to act fast. I just had this feeling about the house, so I went with it.
The only 'negative' for us is the fact the backyard isn't fenced. But since it is only for the next year until we buy our own house, we can deal with it.
Texter has already reached out to the school Lady K will be going to in the fall to see what they need to get her enrolled when we get there. The school is only a mile away and she is thrilled with how nice everyone has been over the phone.
She is also excited about finding out this site for Charlotte, their geoportal. You can plug in your address and find out a lot of important things about your neighborhood.
Friday was a drive to Billings, 250 miles away. And it reinforced we made the correct decision to have Texter and Lady K fly to South Carolina and stay with grandparents while I drive to North Carolina. There was a lot of 'are we there yet?' going on during those 250 miles. I would be stark raving crazy after 2400 miles of it.
Saturday, Lady K's actual birthday, had her anticipating a play date and possible sleepover with a friend. The playdate happened, but come bedtime, a first-time sleepover just wasn't going to happen.
However, Savvy and I slipped out for our last cocktail class at Gulch Distillers.

What a week!
After spending last Sunday 'resting' from a fabric sale binge, Monday was spent trying to get the empty boxes semi-organized in my room and finishing up the first of 4 pillows for Texter's auction.
Tuesday started out on a down note as when I was getting up, the earpiece to my glasses fell off. Sigh.
I do have 3 sets of 'old' glasses. All of which have warped frames and are no longer the correct prescription. But I could drive with them. After dropping of Texter and Kayden at school, I went into Montana Eye Care. They managed to repair the hinge enough I could wear them while they ordered a replacement frame.
But it's been two years since my last exam, so they were able to get me in the next day. My prescription has changed a 'click' and now I will have my old pair (with a little scratch on the left lens) and a brand new pair to use. Just in time for heading back to North Carolina. There would be nothing worse than being in the middle of nowhere and having something happen to my only 'good' pair of glasses.
Also on Tuesday 'IT' happened!
We found a house to rent.
I wasn't going to really start looking until 01 April. But in scrolling through listings, I found one with a large bonus room in what appears to be a nice neighborhood (i.e. it's near a Bojangles!)
Our one concern is without Texter having a job yet, any qualification is done based solely on my income which wouldn't quite meet their requirements. But they are taking a chance on us anyway. It was then a flurry of getting deposit checks sent off, utilities set up for being turned on 01 May. Yes, we won't be there until about the 16th or 17th, but there was already interest in the house and we needed to act fast. I just had this feeling about the house, so I went with it.
The only 'negative' for us is the fact the backyard isn't fenced. But since it is only for the next year until we buy our own house, we can deal with it.
Texter has already reached out to the school Lady K will be going to in the fall to see what they need to get her enrolled when we get there. The school is only a mile away and she is thrilled with how nice everyone has been over the phone.
She is also excited about finding out this site for Charlotte, their geoportal. You can plug in your address and find out a lot of important things about your neighborhood.
Friday was a drive to Billings, 250 miles away. And it reinforced we made the correct decision to have Texter and Lady K fly to South Carolina and stay with grandparents while I drive to North Carolina. There was a lot of 'are we there yet?' going on during those 250 miles. I would be stark raving crazy after 2400 miles of it.
Saturday, Lady K's actual birthday, had her anticipating a play date and possible sleepover with a friend. The playdate happened, but come bedtime, a first-time sleepover just wasn't going to happen.
However, Savvy and I slipped out for our last cocktail class at Gulch Distillers.

She and I have a sentimental attachment to Gulch Distillers.
In its first incarnation as Triple Divide, this was one of the first places we visited together when she moved to Helena. We have watched it change owners, names and be renovated. And we love the cocktail classes they are offering once a month. Saturday's class was 'bottled cocktails' and several notes were taken. I can tell you once we hit North Carolina we will be 'bottling' some pre-mixed drinks and sticking them in the freezer.
But we will miss Tyrrell and Steffan and their passion they bring to Gulch Distillers. Luckily, with American Airlines now flying into Bozeman and Missoula a 'restocking' run is doable or maybe I can get friends to ship me some of their special brews. Hint, hint!
With Spring Break for Texter this coming week, hopefully, things will be a little more relaxed. On tap is...
- Finish up the Octopus Hat
- Finish up 3 Cat Pillows
- Pack up all 'unnecessary' items in my room and sewing area (7 weeks away from move) Actually I would like to get the pillows finished and pack up my sewing area completely. I have enough knitting and crocheting to keep me busy and I could use the space to set boxes.
My focus will be on sorting, packing and enjoying my few weeks in Montana.
But for now I have been informed someone is thirsty and hungry and I need more coffee.
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