A to Z - A Kind-of Challenge

I follow Jay of This Is My Truth Now who has been doing a 365 day challenge. I love the A-to-Z Favorites post and decided to give it a try. However, I am not tagging anyone to join in. And I am also going with the rule of no people named.

The first A-to-Z is about our favorites. This is harder than it appears.

A - aromatherapy

B - books (of course)

C - chocolate (really good chocolate)

D - dirt (ok, so soil is the correct term)

E - eggs

F - fountain pens

G - gifts (giving and receiving)

H - hiking (don't do it enough)

I - ice cream (really good ice cream)

J - jam (making and eating)

K - knitting

L - Lularoe leggings (so comfy and colorful)

M - mindfulness (when I do it I feel better)

N - notebooks

O - oils (essential oils for my aromatherapy)

P - plants

Q - quilts

R - reading

S - sunrise and sunset

T - thrift stores (the older and mustier the better)

U - underwear (brand new undies)

V - violets (tiny violets nested in the grass in springtime)

W - wandering (in the car or on foot)

X - xeriscaping (mainly because x-ray was the only other thing I could think of)

Y - yarn

Z - zentangles

These are the 'official' rules of the A-Z Challenge:

  1. Pick something that starts with that letter and add it to your own list. Don’t think about it… just come up with a couple ideas in under five seconds and choose the best of the bunch.
  2. It can be a thing or place, but not a named person. We don’t want anyone to feel left out!
  3. This week it’s your favorite things… but next week will be something else. Add in any extra comments if you need to explain.
  4. Nominate 5 people at the bottom of your post that you want to re-post with their 26 items. Pick at random – no favorites!
  5. It’s a fun game, but if you are nominated and DO NOT want to participate, you don’t have to. Just ignore it! Totally OK.
  6. You may not have been nominated, but you can totally participate by following these rules.
  7. Post it as a reply on the person’s blog where you found it. Also post it on your own blog as a new post.
  8. Should we use a tag so we can see all the responses? Suggestions…
  9. This may not go anywhere if there is no participation other than me. And that’s OK. The 365 Daily Challenge was about me to start, so I cannot expect or force anyone else.
  10. Have fun and get to know your online friends. Tell us when you post your 26 items.  Thanks!

Give it a try! It's a lot of fun.


  1. Love it! It is very hard, especially in under 5 seconds. I had to cheat on a few just to think longer. I did "Least Favorite" on the blog this week... that was even harder! So... as for your favorites: (1) I learned two new words: (a)zentangles and (b) xeriscaping -- thanks for teaching me!, (2) I laughed at the leggings... I sort of know of them, but it was funny, and (3) jam -- that's a good one, especially because you can make it and eat it. Very fun! Glad to know more about you. Thanks for participating.


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