First Friday Off! And Some Knitting

This will be my first Friday off in ages! 

Due to scheduling issues (which is one reason I am 'retiring' officially), I have taken the last three Fridays off before I leave.

To give you and idea of my day...

Leave the house about 7:30 a.m. to take Lady K to 'school' and Savvy to work. Swing by and pick up some flours (all-purpose and wheat) for bread making later in the day. Stop for coffee with a friend. Pick up Lady K about 10:40 a.m. to take to therapy session and then an hour later, after feeding her a snack, back to daycare. Friday is show and tell day and she hates missing it. She starts asking on Monday if it's show-and-tell.

Then home for lunch for myself, mixing up a batch (or two) of sour dough bread and then sitting down to knit on the "To Eyre" shawl.

Actually, I have more done than this. I am on the 'downhill' side of this shawl and have been working on it rather than doing my rotation for the #100dayproject.  I should have it finished today!


It's a Colorwash Scarf where you are blending two colors (or you can just use one) for the scarf. And I just happen to have two unclaimed skeins of yarn in the stash. They are 85% wool and %15 mulberry silk.

Can you say so soft and squishy!

And while they are so very different, there is a bit of pink through both skeins. And because you are alternating colors as you knit, I think it will make a nice combination of dark and light.


I really need a ball winder!

My goal is to finish up "To Eyre" and start on this Colorwash Scarf today. All the while bread is rising and baking. Before I have to pick up Lady K from school.

I love Fridays!


  1. Hi Judy -- how is your Colorwash Scarf going? Thanks for the link on the KAL, I'm thinking about it although I saw it's supposed to be finished the middle of May. That's probably not going to happen but I do like the idea of the different yarns and might do it just in my own time. xo


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