I Should Be Around This Long

I have been asked where I get my needlework and artistic abilities from.  My mother is an excellent seamstress and can turn her hand at any art project she wants to do.  However, my needlework fascination came from my grandmothers.  My maternal grandmother, Nana, crocheted.  From her I learned to crochet which lead to knitting.  She crocheted a bedspread which I covet to this day.  From my paternal grandmother, Ginny, I picked up embroidery and beadwork.

Ginny has been gone a long time now, but we still some reminders of the beadwork she did when she was younger.  My mother has a couple of beaded purses and odds and ends of beadwork started.  I have copies of these….

pricilla 1 Published in 1916, this book was edited by Belle Robinson, who was my grandmother’s aunt.  I have one of beading and another on crocheting.

pricilla 3 So my abilities are not exactly unique, they come passed down through a long line of females in my family.


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