October is Gone and November Goals

With a young one in the house who is exposed to about 10 billion different diseases in any one day, October into November has been dicey at best.  We have all had this 'creeping crud' which took up residence and has had about a two week stay in all of us.  But we're getting better.  

Of course, that being said, the bathroom upstairs (Savvy's and CJ's) has decided it doesn't want to be cooperative any long, so some plumbing/remodeling is on the near horizon.  Like sing "Happy Holidays" as they tear out bathtubs and such.

Right now, it means a hole in the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom were leaking pipes have left the ceiling on the verge of becoming a floor.

Otherwise in October, things didn't move forward with the pace I would have liked
  • Bee Hive Sampler block swap (only 3 more months) - cut out both October and November blocks and have them ready to sew together.  Hopefully, on Sunday so they can be in the mail on Monday.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle afghan - two of the 9 stripes done.  Can't find the skein of orange I KNOW I bought because I have the color name marked on my chart.  Sigh.
  • Knit and Swirl sweater work - haven't touched it
  • Color Point scarf to finish - ditto  
  • Drink more water - only to put in my iced tea
  • Walk more steps - nope, but hitting about 1/2 the goal daily
  • Better eating through meal planning - so-so
  • Attend Silent Writing meeting - nope
  • Prep for NaNoWriMo
  • Read one book off my shelf - nope, but added a bunch!
  • Start on the It's Not Too Late To Begin by Julia Cameron 12 week program - no, going to start the first of the year with Artist's Way and work my way through her books in 2017
  • Finish up on the 30 Day Journal Challenge journaling - got all the prompts into the notebook, but didn't work through them
  • Have a goal setting meet-up with friends for planning out 2017 and the rest of 2016
  • Write up proposals for 2017 programs for the library - in the process of finishing that up to submit next week
  • Halloween swap
  • Write my two letters and get them in the mail (finally) - nope, still on my to-do list
  • Start up Postcrossing - ditto
  • Order my Hobonichi - ordered, received, ready to go with 2017!
  • Evening out with friends for First Friday
  • Declutter and some rearranging - partially done
  • Purchasing one plant, one towel and one set of sheets - towel yes, others no

November is already setting up to be a bit 'weird'.  

First, we have two days off next week at the library - election day and Veteran's Day.  The first because the library is a polling spot, so we close the library proper.  It would be too crazy otherwise.

Which leads to my first item in November -

  • Finalizing and setting concrete steps for 2017 plans and projects

I am setting up shop at Starbucks for the morning and actually putting concrete projects down and working out the scheduling of the tasks involved.

Of course, the BIG one for November - NANOWRIMO!

  • Successfully complete NaNoWriMo this year
  • Hosting several write-ins at the library

And as a off-shoot of that -

  • Submitting my proposed programs to the programing staff for consideration at the library.  Fingers crossed, I think I have some good ones.

And otherwise -

  • Decluttering my sewing area - this ties in with my 2017 plans for what I want to do
  • Buying one towel, one plant and one set of sheets - I actually have the one towel purchased already, now for the plant and sheets
  • Plan Thanksgiving dinner - menu already done and turkey ordered (organic and tasty).  Shopping list made.
  • Work on the TMNT afghan and get at least 4 more strips done
  • Finish up the little "Nemo" hat I picked up for Lady K
  • Finish up the Bee Hive blocks for October and November and get them in the mail
  • Find a top to go with the leggings I received
  • Shopping trip to Missoula with Savvy and Texter
  • Letters written (which includes a now belated birthday card!)

With all the days off during November I have, hopefully I can plow ahead and these tasks and have more checked off by the end of the month.

Now for more coffee and NaNoWriMo writing!


  1. Goodness- good luck with the house issues! Plumbing is no fun, and you deserve a month with no catastrophes.


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