Positive Focus Thursday - What You Ask For!

Yesterday was Samhain, which is the start of the Wheel of the Year and my 'New Year' start.  

I have always felt September was more of New Year to me than January 1. It was my birthday, school started, fall. It just felt like New Years to me and I have been drawn to introspection, planning, all that sort of thing this time of the year.

So this year I decided to do a Samhain ritual for the new year and did a tarot spread for myself and the upcoming year. 

But before I did all that, first thing in the morning, I was reading through my emails and I received an invitation to apply for another work-from-home job with the company I am currently working for. It's nothing exciting or mindblowing, but it does allow me to work on my own schedule, in my own home and make money to run the household.

I had to start laughing after I submitted my application for it and holding my breath they accept me. Because if they do, I am going to be working (or have the opportunity to) about 70 hours a week between my new job with Game Stop and my work-from-home jobs. 

Pay isn't great, but it's above minimum wage for my work-from-home jobs so it will allow us to pay bills, play a bit and save some. The Game Stop job allows me to get out of the house and away from my computer and mingle with real people! 

And all because I have been asking the powers that be to provide me with money.

But I was thinking about the lottery!

I guess I didn't really get specific enough for the universe to allow me to win several million in the lottery. I guess they are telling me "Ok, you can have money, but you have to work for it."

Then I started thinking about Miss Oklahoma back in Montana. She had been looking for jobs, going on interviews and being passed over for 'sweet-young-things'. 

She started working part-time at a local pottery store - organizing, staging products, selling, media - a bit of this and that. 

Then she got a second part-time job with an organization in town, basically running the office and clerical areas. And then the first job offered her more hours and she is starting to actually do 'pottery' work!

So here we both are, having wished for money/work, and the universe goes 'BANG - YOU HAVE IT!' and we are working our butts off (and loving it!)

This is going to be interesting to see how all this work and NaNoWriMo play together, but I am going to love the flow of dollars coming in from all these different directions! But next time I am going to a tad more specific about what I am asking for.


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