Out of Control
I am officially out of control. While on vacation I have gotten to do some reading. The only problem with this is that with time to read and surf the web I have a list of books I want to read which would fill a good-sized bookstore.
And the sad part is that this is only part of what I am reading on. I also have a couple on my bedside table…..
If you will notice I have fiction, nonfiction, romance, science fiction all mixed in together. I am not just reading one type of books, but any and everything that takes my fancy. And the library is an enabler. Our local library allows me to request books online and they email me when they have them ready for me. I go in and pull them off the shelf. Of course, that is after I have made a pass through the new book shelves to be sure there isn’t anything else I need.
I have a notebook quickly filling up with books to read which I either haven’t checked to see if the library has or if it doesn’t, books I want to find somewhere else. I am a little miffed that my library system does not seem to acquire “art” books – those geared toward art journaling and the like. Of well, guess I will have to hope the gift fairy brings me an Amazon gift certificate.
I have started sitting down with something to write with when reading (except for romances) to take notes of other authors, sites, words I need to look up. Problem there is that leads to wanting even more books. So I had better get busy reading – who cares about housework! Oh, I forgot the couple of books I checked out for myself which Savvy is reading first.
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