Sketchbook Challenge – Week One


Ok, I have made it through week one of the Sketchbook Challenge and think I have done quite well.  I am pleased with my efforts thus far.  The theme for this month is “Highly Prized”.  Since once I go back to work my sketching will be done between calls there, I went ahead and listed 31 highly prized things so I wouldn’t have to actually think about my theme for that day’s sketch.  I then attached it to the front of my book where January’s sketches start.  So far that has been a great asset.  I can flip to the front of the book and see what my sketching theme is for the day and proceed from there.

schallenge1 Day 1 was actually using the idea of 1/1/11.  The first day of the year is always a chance to start afresh.  And I liked the symmetry of 1-1-11.  Used a little doodling to add some addition interest.  I used Prismacolor markers for the color and my Sharpies for the outlining and doodling.

schallenge2 Day 2 I didn’t really have a lot of time and didn’t color it in.  Which is ok.  Makes it a little different I think.  More of a sketch.  But it is “study”.  I am glad I can go back to school and study what I want to study.


Day 3 was a really fun day.  This is my “sunrise”.  If you look you can see 3 ‘suns’ rising upward.  I love sunrises, especially really colorful ones.  They make you so optimistic for the day.  They were drawn in pencil, then outlined and doodled in Sharpie and colored in with a set of Faber-Castell pencils.  I took the pencils from Savvy as she wasn’t using them.


Day 4 is “nature”.  I love being in touch with nature, whether by having plants indoors or a walk outside.  Once again, sketched in pencil, outlined and doodled in Sharpie and colored in with pencils.





schallenge5 Day 5 is “food”.  Looking at me you would see I haven’t missed a meal.  And I am learning to appreciate food more.  Not only that I have a ton of it available to me, to to learn to savor and watch what I am eating more.  Unfortunately, from school and work I have the habit of bolting down my meals at lightning speed.  I want to be more mindful and appreciate each meal I have.


Day 6 is “pets”.  I love them all, despite at times they are a big pain in the ass.  I can’t make my bed all neatly and tidily.  Why?  Because Noel will get on it during the day and push the covers around to her satisfaction and form a nest in for the day.  She can lay at the end of the bed and look out the window for monsters trying to come near the house.  Blaze and Carroll are my kitties born behind my bed.  We have had them for about 13 years now and they are definitely a member of the family.  I won’t discuss their girth and personality….both of which are large!


schallenge7 Day 7 is “coffee”.  The figure in the middle of the coffee cup was contributed by Savvy as we were waiting for the bookstore to open yesterday.  Love my coffee.  I like that first sip of hot, sweet, milky coffee.  Unfortunately, I guess, I have never grown out of the habit of a lot of cream and sugar in my coffee – the way my grandparents first made it for me when I was little.  But early in the mornings, when the house is still quiet and the day hasn’t become crazy yet, coffee and a little writing and surfing on the internet are great.  Then on days I work, it provides a nice ‘sweetness’ to my morning of hectic scurrying to get to school/work and answering phone calls.  I also enjoy those days I can go to the bookstore, get my coffee and look through magazines and books for ideas and inspiration and unwinding.

So that is my first week of sketching.  Day 8 is already in the ‘book’ so to speak.  I pulled out my little watercolor set to start using more watercolors rather than pencils for adding color and texture to the pictures.  You can wait until next week or check it out on my Flickr images to the right.


  1. Really great work !
    I love what you've done !


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