Week Two of the Sketchbook Challenge

Two weeks have passed in the challenge and I am managing to still keep up.  I do have to confess some days I do 2 sketches or sketch and finish one and just draw one.  But they are getting done and I am pleased with what I have been producing.  I told myself right from the start they are going to have to be quick and easy sketches as most of the time I will be doing them at work.  So there is very little really detailed work, but I think I am trying just to get more comfortable with ‘my style’ and the different materials I can work with.

Sketchbook Challenge 2011-1 

Picture 1 – Laugh – What is the world without laughter?  I can’t imagine not laughing with my friends and family.  This I sketched and then went back with watercolors.  I am not good with watercolors, but I am slowly learning what I can and can’t do with them.

Picture 2 – Write – I enjoy writing and the ability to write anything and everything I want, without fear (just my own internal critic), is priceless.  Of course, I am not saying it is any good, but at least I can write. I layered the background with strips of an old book and a copy of some handwriting from one of my old journal pages.  I inked over it with stamp pads and used my Prisma wide point to write the word ‘write’ and then outlined with Sharpie.

Picture 3 – Art – Without art, or all kinds, the world would be a dull place.  But the ability for a person to express themselves, in a variety of forms is fantastic.  I know when I do one of these little sketches, I feel really relaxed and good.  I inked with stamp pads the background and then wrote over it with Sharpies.  “Art” is one with oil pastels.  I recently learned I could smudge them, so I am still learning with them.

Picture 4 – Music – Well, Savvy and Texter would be beside themselves if they didn’t have their music.  And fact you can listen to different types of music depending on your mood.  Love me some Pandora online! I tore strips of a sheet of old music and layered the background and them inked over it with stamp pads.  Music is written with oil pastel crayon and smudged a little.

Picture 5 – Computers – The first thing which comes to mind is the internet.  For without the internet, this challenge would not even exist.  I know there are people who say we have become too dependent on computers, but they are a fantastic place to be.  You can create (digital photography is amazing), communicate, learn….the things you can do with this tool is countless.  Don’t think I could make it without my computer now.  This was sketched in mechanical pencil and then outlined in Sharpie and water colored in.

Picture 6 – Pens and Pencils – Having said I depend upon my computer, at the same time I am a great believer in writing with pens and pencils.  I love me some writing implements – if I can keep them away from Texter.  She is a pen hound!  But the joy in picking up my fountain pen and hearing the scratch on paper it makes, that gives me chills of delight.  Once again, I sketched in pencil and then water colored the sketch.

Picture 7 – Walking – I don’t do it enough, but I enjoy walking.  Just opening the door and walking.  I prefer it without the dog as she thinks walking time is the time she needs to sniff and smell everything, so my walks become a little choppy.  I like getting the camera and getting away in nature and taking pictures while I walk.  Just me, alone and quiet.  It is so restorative.  Sketched in pencil and colored in with Sharpie and Prisma pens.

So there are my highly prized things for this week.  As I said, I am pleased with the outcome of them and look forward to next week.


  1. This is so cool! YOu've inspired me to check out this challenge!! I cracked up when you wrote about walking with your dog!! Yep, they aren't not a good exercise complanion AT ALL!! LOL!!


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