Whatever Thursday - Vindication and Lotus Seeds

Much to Savvy's dismay (and concern over my mental health), I have been hunting down and destroying tobacco hornworms who are denuding my tomato plants. Part of my daily watering and garden 'walk' is done with a pair of scissors in hand to turn a hornworm into green goo by cutting it in half.

On Wednesday, while watering and checking the garden, I found this...

Ok, it is a tiny bit unnerving.

Actually, it's a lot creepy and unnerving!

But those white things are wasp larva which are laid on the hornworm and will kill it. And hatch and go look for other hornworms! A win-win!

The hornworm is my only real 'thing' I try and control and that is done with manual dispatching. I don't spray with insecticides. 

However, I have some issues with tomatoes being nibbled on. Some by a squirrel (I think) and some by something else. I will have to sleuth it out.

On the other hand...

I finally, after 2 months, received my lotus seeds.

Don't ask me why I felt ordering some were a good idea, but I did.

I have 20 seeds in two colors. The colors were not noted on the packets, so I have no idea what color I dropped in the jar to germinate.

After only 2 days I have sprouts!

Apparently, once they sprout, they grow rather quickly. So it will be a bit of a scramble to find a couple of larger pots without holes to 'plant' my lotus in when they get bigger.

I am holding onto the rest of the seeds to see what happens with these. Of course, if some find their way to Montana...


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