Little Birdie Flew My Way
A couple of weeks ago this little birdie flew into my life.
It seems it flew right out of the extremely talented hands of Patricia Mosca and into my house. My own blue (and purple and red and yellow) bird of happiness!
Since then, it perched in various spots around my bedroom (also known as my art room/computer room) and finally came to roost here.
See it flying over my altar I finally got set up? It’s on the east side to help represent the element “air”. Above the large hawk feather I found several years ago. To the north (left hand side) is the plant, for “earth”, to the south (right hand side) a lavender candle for “fire” and in front, or west, is a small bowl with a couple of polished stones in it and water for “water”. Along with a picture I took of the ocean. In the center are some pottery items the girls made in school for “spirit”.
On the wall is a green purse, hopefully for prosperity. But it all makes sense to me and is very peaceful. My only problem? It is right by the bed and the cat seems to thing the plant is there to nibble on and to water to drink from.
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