Instagram Challenge Day 10 - #TBT

I have only recently heard of (or it registered on my wee brain) about TBT - Throw Back Thursday.  So the picture I selected as a double meaning as I put on a new swimsuit last night.  It was sad. The new swimsuit has these Betty Bombshell boobs built in.  However, mine are more like 'stick of butter at high noon on the sidewalk'.  I could put Lady K in the top of my swimsuit and still have room!

So I'll leave you with the nicer picture....

My grandparents had a cabin near the Kentucky Lake, right outside Big Sandy, Tennessee.  We spent lots of time there growing up.  And while everyone else skied, I never learned.  I was a bit too scared as I had seen too many cuts and gashes from submerged stumps in the lake.  I preferred floating.  In fact, I still prefer floating. 


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