Miscon Monday
Since I will be at MisCon for the final day, today, I decided to tease you a bit with some photos from the first couple of days.
We started the day by stopping on our way to Missoula to fill up at the spring. I have been saving milk jugs just for this purpose. Savvy got into her role by filling up her canteen at the spring.
Ok, after several years at Animazement, which is now held at the large convention center in downtown Raleigh, we are now back at a small con. A few hundred versus several thousand. By the way, 'Bugeye' was renamed 'Snuggles' by Lady K on our way to MisCon. Savvy was a bit bummed he didn't keep his more scary name.
The Ruby Inn, where MisCon has been held all these years, is basically a small hotel, "U" shaped with a wing out to one side. The center of the "U", is bordered by a creek. Sitting out here, under the trees, is lovely, especially as the creek is rushing and making lovely sounds. Gaming rooms, vendor rooms and program rooms are on the inside of the "U" on both floors.
Lady K quickly found the horseshoe pit and claimed it as her own sand pile to play in.
Guess who has to imitate someone?
After all, if Aunt Savvy can pose for a character shot, then so can Lady K.
Savvy was filling the role of a raider in the Wasteland theme for the year. Texter alternated between Batman, Dr. Who, and Harley Quinn, depending on her mood.
They do require children be labeled. You don't have to pay to get them in until they are older, but they have to have a badge too. On the back of the tag is contact information for the adult, in case they get separated. Once again, given the small venue, there seemed, at times, to be more security than guests. But you felt safe at all times. Lady K was proud of her tag and didn't give us a bit of trouble wearing it, which I was initially worried about.
Savvy got into the photography too.
Of course, costumes are one reason to come to a con. From very elaborate, to flash backs to earlier cons for Savvy, to a bit gory, you have all kinds people have invested time and energy into creating. I attended a few costuming panels as I am often enlisted in creating costumes. In fact, I will have some big projects coming up soon (which I can talk about in a week or so).
One of the panel discussions on writing I attended. More on those in a later post, but more than well worth attending for. By the way, the gentleman in the center above, Eldon Thompson, could pose for his own covers. Not only is he buff, but very articulate and fun to listen to. All the panel members were information, but very enjoyable. No dry panel discussions did I attend.
But the primary reason I attended was this...
Terry Brooks!
A best selling author, who will have his books made into a series coming to TV soon, he is a gracious, funny gentleman. In the signing I attended, he spoke to each person individually, learning something about them. He never made you feel rushed or that it was a chore to sign the books.
The other gentleman to the right is Shawn Speakman, who is his webmaster and an author in his own right. And very funny.
Best of all, Terry Brooks latest book, The Darling Child, part of the Defenders of Shannara series, was available for us, several weeks before official release. I had the Sword of Shannara trilogy for him to sign and purchased the first two books (which includes the new release) while there and had him sign. I will feature what he wrote in one of them soon.
Overall, well, well worth the money and we will be going back next year. Luckily, Texter is not as interested in the panels as she is in socializing with her 'peeps', so we could trade out Lady K minding fairly easy. She seemed to enjoy it also (up to a certain point and then she went into overload on the ride back home).
I'm gearing up for MisCon 30 now!
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