Tuesday Sundries - July 3 & Fireworks

I hate to be a downer on such an important upcoming holiday, but I really hate fireworks in the hands of people like the kids up the street and the beer-guzzling neighbor. I have a friend from my childhood who lost 2 fingers due to firecrackers and 2 a.m. is not the time for fireworks to be going off. Also, coming from Montana, the number of fires started, especially since there hasn't rained here recently, is a consideration. And not only is Lady K sensitive to the sound, but the dog gets scared. 

So everyone, if you want to celebrate, attend your local fireworks display. The veterans who served to make the 4th of July celebrations possible (well, continue), often suffer from PTSD and fireworks going off on their street don't help any.

Public Service Announcement over with. 

Today, after running some errands with Texter and Lady K, will be spent heading to Cary, NC to spend the night with Miss C. We will continue gabbing away while I bring some things up from her basement for her. And probably a chance to go through her cross stitch stash. Plus a stop at La Farm Bakery.  Mini White Chocolate Baguettes and Asiago/Parmesan Bread are on the 'you better bring some home' list.

The 'sidewalk' tomatoes, planted in clay soil, which I thought were doomed, have rallied and started to grow nicely. They are slowly, but surely, catching up and will provide (hopefully) a late summer harvest.

My container tomatoes on the back patio....sigh.

They were attacked by tomato hornworms (evil creatures) and another little caterpillar and I sprayed the plants down with soapy water. About half of them, between my 'cure' and the caterpillars, look pretty sad. Fingers crossed they make a recovery and do their thing.

Inside, where it is much, much cooler, the Joy Quilt is proceeding, slowly, but surely.

I need to get these 18 blocks sewn together and then it's 4 corner blocks and the outer border will be together. 

With all my 'socializing' my plan on finishing it up by the end of June went out the window. Maybe by the end of the first week in July. I already have it's replacement figured out. I am going to quilt the Disney Villainess Quilt and start (again) on my Mariner's Compass quilt. These will not only be my July project but will go into August I know.

Hopefully, time spend in front of the tv in July watching Tour de France will help my progress on these projects. Or at least my cross stitch projects.

But for now, off to the store! We are out of 'crunchy little breads'.


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