Seedy Saturday - Update

Where is the sun!?!

Today, Saturday, we are supposed to have a bit warmer temperature and no rain. As of 10:30 a.m. it's not happening. 

And tomorrow is another rainy forecast. All day long. As in I have to drive to South Carolina (about 40 miles) to go pick up Lady K from her dad. Yuck!

Plus this morning was through a foggy morning to take Texter into the doctor for an MRI. She has been having migraines, blood pressure issues, etc, etc or ages and it came to a head a couple of weeks ago. But HUZZAH!

She finally has a doctor who is not telling her it's (1) her hormones, (2) she's overreacting, or (3) it's her imagination. Hopefully, she/we will be getting a diagnosis and can start working on fixing what's wrong instead of just existing with it.


After one of the cats got into the plants last week, I had to replant some of the plants and decided to sit down and do a bit of an update on where I stand on seeds which have been planted over the past couple of weeks.

Downstairs, which I didn't go and take pictures of, my cherry tomatoes in a large, self-watering jar have been thinned from 5 to 2 plants. And the other 3 (I can't bring myself to throw away plants) I set in the container with the chives.

Speaking of which, the 3 container indoor herb garden is filling up with oregano and thyme seedlings. It's great because some of them will be going to Savvy and some will go outside. The chives, which take ages to germinate, are still sitting there.

I moved the 4 cups with hyacinth beans and 4 cups of nasturtium seeds upstairs since the cat(s) nipped off the top of 2 of the hyacinth beans. Hopefully, it will be warmer and they will start growing better.

Now onto the 'real' stuff.


I recycled a plastic tub from spinach and this is where I put in the lettuce 'tape' I had from a couple of years ago. Germination wasn't great. So I sowed a bunch of lettuce/mesclun mix in there today. This was originally planted on 16 February. Not impressed with 'tape seeds' at all.

To back up a bit, Box #1 is where I have planted by hollyhocks and echinacea from Montana. I planted it on the 16 February too. But both of these seem to be taking their own sweet time emerging and the couple which had started popping up were victims of little cat paws.

But this is Box #2. Starting at the top left corner - 

  • Row 1 - Mesclun mix - up and doing well
  • Row 2 - 3 cells of Black-Seeded Simpson Lettuce up and going well, followed by 3 cells of lemon cucumber which are up and starting putting out their first true leaves. Transplanting those soon. I have 6 of them.
  • Row 3 - Lavender - I have about 24 seedlings up. Fingers crossed. Some for me and some for Savvy
  • Row 4 - Catnip - About 15 seedlings which will be shared between Savvy, Texter and my two cats (if they live that long)
  • Row 5 - Calendula (Pot marigold) - about 12 seedlings up
  • Row 6 - 3 cells of Cleome with 2 up so far and then the last three cells are cilantro which takes forever to germinate and will go to Savvy. I might keep a couple of myself for salsa, but to me, cilantro tastes like soap.

Can you tell this is one the cat got into?

This is Box #3 and was also planted on 16 February. This is where the real fun starts (for me at least).

  • Row 1 - Oregon Spring Tomato (3), Black Krim Tomato (5), Brandywine Red (3), Sweet 100 (2), and last 2 cells are Lemon Basil (10) which you can't really see
  • Row 2 - Brocolli in 3 cells (6), Mountaineer Squash (3), Morning Glory (1) cats got a couple of these guys, Sugar Pie Pumpkin (4)
  • Row 3 - Dill in 3 cells (12), Jack O'Lantern Pumpkin (3)
  • Row 4 - Parsley in 3 cells (12), Basil with a Hyacinth Bean which was mistakenly planted there
  • Row 5 - Hyacinth Beans in 3 cells (maybe?), Basil - lots and starting their first leaves
  • Row 6 - Cleome in 3 cells (2) and Cilantro in 2 cells and the last cell is a surprise seed which Lady K was given labeled 'Easter Seeds' - who knows.

This is Box #4 which was planted on 20 February. 

  • Row 1 - Green Twister Echinacea, a couple starting up, but replanted due to cats
  • Row 2 - Queen Red Lime Zinnia (21) and just starting the first true leaves
  • Row 3 - San Marzano Tomatoes (12) in 2 cells, Red Robin Tomato in 3 cells (11) and Sour Gherkin (2)
  • Row 4 - Rainbow Heirloom Tomato Blend in 4 cells (18), Sour Gherkin (3)
  • Row 5 - Pick a Bushel Cucumbers in 3 cells 6, last 3 cells were peppers which were replanted, but then peppers take a bit to get going too.
  • Row 6 - 2 cells of peppers, replanted, Sungold Tomato (4), Balloon Milkweed in 3 cells - still waiting

And last, but not least...

First off, I am not a fan of these peat pot seedling starter. And I have 3 more 'packs' to use. 

This is my tomato stash and I have WWAAAYYYY too many, so we will see what happens. 

Starting at the top left and going down...

  • Cell 1 and 2 - Mellow Yellow Echinacea - just starting to show
  • Cell 3 and 4 - Lemon Bee Balm - starting up
  • Cell 5 - Large Barred Boar Tomato (1)
  • Cell 6 and 7 - More Mellow Yellow Echinacea - just starting to show
  • Cell 8 - Great White Tomato - (3)
  • Cell 9 - Beefsteak Tomato - (4)
  • Cell 10 - Big Rainbow Tomato (4)
  • Cell 11 - Black Vernissage Tomato (4)
  • Cell 12 - Crazy Cherry Tomato (1)
  • Cell 13 - Atomic Grape Tomato (3)
  • Cell 14 - Tomatillo (4)
  • Cell l5 - Lipstick Pepper
  • Cell 16 and 17 - empty
  • Cell 18, 19 and 20 - Lemon Sunflower

A lot of the herbs and flowers will go over to Savvy's house, along with a couple of the tomatoes and probably some lettuce. My hope is to get enough cucumbers and tomatoes to do some canning.

Outside I already have a whiskey barrel and two 5 gallon pails with potatoes started. Despite the rain and cold, they are starting to emerging from the first layer of soil. I will be giving them another couple of inches of growth and I'll layer more soil on top. As soon as the weather eases up some, and I get holes drilled in a tub, I'll plant some more potatoes.

But that's it for now. Just give me some sunshine!


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