Week in Review - October 17 - 23, 2022


So this week has been about me and how 'not' to dismantle a large dog kennel. As in, if you lift, push, pull, and twist, that pain you feel isn't a pulled muscle, but rather the feel of fracturing a rib. Sigh...

On the other hand, I had my eye exam and for a 65 year old who has worn glasses for 63 of those years, my eyes are pretty darn good. 

The first frosts of winter have hit my area of North Carolina. Which means all the plants had to come inside. With me not feeling really 'up-to-it', I brought them in and dumped them wherever I could find an open surface. 

And my week of exercise classes at the Y were put aside. I'm giving it another week and then hitting the gym for yoga and aqua fit classes. 

I did make it to one library art event and painted a sunflower. It was fun. 

And my neighbor and I walked up to our local early voting station one afternoon and voted. That task is finished! 

Mr. Cobra is upgrading his main TV and he was so nice and brought it to me. He even carried it in (since my rib was not really up to it) and hooked everything up. I now have a HUGE screen. Both Texter and Savvy remarked how good it would be come July and I'm watching my 'men in spandex'. 

Because I was taking it easy, I started and finished a crocheted whale for Lady K. Texter found the pattern and I had the materials. Purple is one of Lady K's favorite colors. The finished product is far (way far) from perfect, but I hope it makes her happy. I'm calling it "Muscadine -My Grape White Whale". 

I also ordered a bunch of seeds for my garden next year. There are a a handful I things I want to start now and grow up over the winter so they will be nice and big enough to plant out in spring. Will have to see how that goes. The 'big 3' are my butterfly bushes, asparagus, and witch hazel. 

Next week will be finishing up any Preptober plans for the cookbook for NaNoWriMo. I'm also picking up Lady K on Friday for her weekend with us. 

But in the meantime, today and tomorrow at work and then 2 days off to finish cleaning up the house. 



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