Week In Review - July 9 - 15

It has been a long week.

Texter was helping to run the last NaguCon, so was out of pocket from Thursday to Saturday night. Therefore, I was the babysitter of Lady K for three full days. A four-year-old is exhausting!

Which worked out pretty well. Savvy joined us Friday for a dip in the 'big pool' and lunch out at Fiesta Mexicana. Filling up on chips and queso helps a long way to coming home and taking a nap (for all of us!)

Other food related activity involved 'remembering' that Just Tapped has a Tuesday lunch to either eat in or take out. We opted for take out after swim lessons.

Even though it's now within walking distance, I tend to forget about Just Tapped. It's in one of those locations you have to plan your entrance and exit, as it's not easy. But I resist going in because I want one of everything. 

This past week's lunch was a meatball sandwich and a Strawberry/Blueberry/Walnut salad. And while I am normally not a meatball sandwich fan, I ate this like a starving person. At $8 it is about what you would pay for a meal driving through somewhere, but a ton better. I am proud that Texter, who is normally not adventurous with her eating, loved it. We are planning on this as a weekly treat now.

I have basically been playing catch-up with my Almond Country Beauty squares and picked up Week 6 instructions Tuesday. So I am now halfway through. And loving the new iron.

I love it's little 'push-ups' it does and the fact I can just move it over and iron and not have to pick up and put down all the time.

I received my 'kit' for this month's Year of Techniques Antirrhinum Socks. The technique focused on is heels of socks. My Achilles!

I started, had a cuff done and then dropped some stitches which I could pick up, so I frogged the entire thing and moved back to my plain vanilla socks, pouting. But I am starting again.

I finished the rainbow afghan for Lady K which has disappeared somewhere into the bowels of Texter's room

The majority of the week has been spent avoiding the heat and Tour de France watching.


  • 3 posts written
  • 4 books read
  • one t-ball practice and game in the heat

The coming week...

  • Get back on my routines!
  • Two t-ball games and swim lessons
  • Savvy on vacation and we are doing a detox 
  • Cleaning off my desk and getting my Montana scrapbook updated
  • Pick up Week 7 of the Almond Country Beauty quilt
  • Finish watching the Tour de France (ends next Sunday)
  • Get back into meditation and vitamins
But for now, more coffee and men in spandex!


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