Week(s) in Review - December 15 - December 26
Yeah, I skipped a week.
But not by choice.
So a brief recap of the holiday season for me and the family.
I came home from work on Saturday, the 21st, with body aches and alternating between a fever and major chills. I work up early on Sunday and knew there was no way I could go to work.
It upset me on a couple of levels. One, they were counting on me at work to be there and I was calling off at the last minute. Secondly, it would mean 'no pay' that day.
Dragging myself to a Minute Clinic (which are really good by the way), I found out I had an ear infection (right ear) and fluid on the other ear. Which could explain why I felt a bit unsteady on my feet recently. Antibiotics prescribed.
Now I had a flu shot in October. And the nurse did a flu test on me. It did come back negative. However, it turns out the test is only about 70% accurate and the fact I was practically curled in a ball, shaking from the chills, she felt I had a case of the flu on top of the ear infection. So meds for that.
I arrived back at Texter and Mr. RaceCar's house in time to wave goodbye as they set off for Florida and I set off for bed.
I get a message from Texter mid-afternoon. They are stuck in traffic on I-95 in South Carolina. There was a major wreck and the southbound side was stopped. For about five hours. And the car was acting up (again). They decided to turn around and make it back as close to home as they could get before it pooped out.
Luckily, they made it back to his mechanic. At 10:30 at night. And I picked them up and back we all came to their house. The Florida trip that never was. But as it was supposed to be rainy the entire time and we were all feeling it was better they were here rather than in Florida trying to get the car fixed for a return trip during Christmas.
Well, they were thankful. I was sleeping for the most part of Monday.
Tuesday, feeling a bit better, we went out of Christmas Eve dinner at Bonefish Grill. It was my present from Mr. RaceCar and Texter.
No, I didn't have both drinks! One was more than enough. But as they were both fruit juice based, I felt they were medicinal. And the Crab-Crusted Cod was wonderful.
Christmas Day I loaded up and headed back to Savvy and Mr. Arizona and my own bed.
I go back to work tomorrow. I'm feeling about 80%. Well enough to get back into the groove. Today will be spent making a birthday cake for Savvy. And catching up on getting my 2020 Budget Book in order. Plus a bit more resting.
So there you have it. I won't be doing a week in review this Sunday. I figure I will wait until the first one in January and I have a bit more 'energy'.
Sorry to hear about your flu and the kids' holiday mishap. But glad the new year beginning looks better for you all. Dinner and drinks look delightful.