Bookish Thursday - January's Book Haul

Yes, it is mid-February, which will tell you how things are going these days!

January was a bounty of books. And luckily most of them were free!

I hauled 18 books in January. Three of the books I received were e-books for Kindle from Goodreads. I really, really need to read more of the e-books I have. And the pictures above don't show all the books!

Four of the books I hauled were in conjunction with my class at UNCC. I picked up 3 books on Chinese mythology, 1 of which I have read and given away already. The fourth book is a classic, The Good Earth, is one I read decades ago and am going to reread.

Three other books are from subscriptions I have. And since one of them, Hell Bent, is book two in a series, I had to buy book one in the series (Ninth House). I've finished that one already and need to start on book two.

One book, by Julia Cameron, I bought not only because it is about writing, but also because I have a ton of her other books. 

There was one book which is a review copy (and I am awaiting a couple of books for future book blog tours). 

The rest were free books from my local library. I can't pass by a table labeled 'free books' without picking some up. However, I do have to admit there are on the bottom of my to-read pile.

Now I need to stop listening to the Murdaugh Murder trial and do more reading!


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