Writing Wednesday - Overload!

Just when I find myself in a place where I can start writing - WHAM!

Spring is around the corner (hopefully). Seedlings are all over the house. Yard work is commencing. Another class is starting tomorrow afternoon. And I - in my finite wisdom - decided not only revamping the herb club's website from scratch was a fantastic idea, but to throw together some plans for updating my own site. 

Oh, and did I mention I am creating a social media manual for the herb society too? So that everything will be in one spot? In that same moment of wisdom, I decided to integrate the website, email, Facebook and Instagram, creating a shared Google document system for the Board. 

Plus, all the gardening is starting and the plans I have in mind have led me to come up with an idea for another writing project!

This makes a minimum of three projects going on at the same time for writing. Not counting post writing at the same time. The latest project, which will be more in depth about my garden and gardening in general, is something I am thinking about publishing bits and pieces online as it gets written. Sort of a year in my garden. 

So the 'funk' I was in for December and into January is over. Or maybe I'm just to busy to realize I'm in a funk. But whichever it is, my energy level is up and my mental state is in a really good place. Now if I just had more time during the day!



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