Week in Review - February 13 - 19, 2023

It's been lovely this past week. The weather has become a bit spring-like. The Hellebores on the walk from the parking lot to class have started blooming. It's one of the great things to walk by the UNCC Botanical Gardens twice a week.

And the Crimson Clover I broadcast in the bare spots in the front yard have started emerging. I am hoping it 'takes' over the yard. In fact, I may just go to the feed store and buy more and broadcast over the entire yard. The bees will love it. I love walking on clover. And hopefully, it would eventually overcome this 'whatever stuff' they sowed when they did the yard before I bought the house.

Another flat of seeds have been sown. I also have 2 more orders (small) coming in this week, plus some seeds I picked up at the Rosemary and Thyme Herb Society meeting on Saturday. I have already broadcast a large handful of poppy seeds in my front flower beds. My purpose - hoping the poppies will take over, along with the clover.

The day before Valentine's Day, I took a huge bucket of 'expired' roses to the library branch I frequent. After all, librarians need love too! I figured since I put so many books on hold, and they have to process them for me, they deserved it. 

The strawberry beds are in. Did have one incident where big feet went through the drawers. I fixed the damage and put some branches I had cut back over the drawers under the strawberries get bigger and I get a bit of fencing around the garden area. 

Started the Extension Master Gardener class! And my calendar is filling up with 'educational' events in the coming year, along with plant sales and volunteer opportunities. One of the meetings where there will be a speaker is in April and the speaker will be Mr. TomatoMan. I am so excited!

Otherwise this week...

  • Planted the fruit trees
  • Helped stock the produce area at work
  • Set up the strawberry beds
  • Sent out minutes from January for the Herb Society to the group using our new email address.
  • Saved seeds from where the cats dumped a vase of flowers on them

This coming week...

  • More the table from the front porch to the kitchen to place more seedlings
  • Repot seedlings out of flats into cups
  • Mid-term test in my Chinese class
  • Plant sweet peas and spring peas
  • Work on all the 'Google' stuff to get it organized for the Herb Society

But for now, it's more coffee, plus taking coffee to work as I am not only doing cut fruit today at work, but also helping stock the produce area (and unloading the truck!)



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