Week in Review - August 14 - 20, 2023
Not me, not the place (which is in a 'cool' way), but the temperature. It sucks!
My yard did manage to get the front yard mowed. The back yard is beyond help. Sigh.
So beyond attempting to stay cool, this week I had my physical. I actually set it up because I knew what was coming. Age and weight have combined to push me over the line into diabetes. Luckily, it has been caught and I am determined to get the weight down (can I go back 35 years and be well under 200?) and be rid of now being on medication for diabetes.
But I won't call this wake-up call a bad thing. In fact, it is a really good thing because in getting my blood sugar under control by losing weight, it will also help with getting my blood pressure down. All of this is a tad hard for me because all my life I have been on the low end of the scale for both things. Aging sucks at times!
The really good thing is about my car.
My AC in the car started acting funky. The passenger side got the cold air. The driver side, MY side, got the warm air. And at 90+ every day recently, driving 30 minutes in each direction to/from work is not fun when you are sweating. It finally got to the point where I had to address the issue. And I wasn't looking forward to it. After all, anything having to do with a car repair means $$$, if not, $$$$.
Before I took it in to get an idea of what was actually wrong and the cost to repair, a postcard showed up in my mailbox. It was from the Subaru dealership. And my condenser was being recalled and to bring it in to have it replaced...
While I am not a car person, my little mind did think - 'condenser equals air conditioner'.
So I made my appointment and drove it in early Thursday morning. A couple of hours later, I had COLD AIR! Cost? A couple of hours of my time on my day off. I consider this a major win.
While waiting for the car to be fixed, I did manage to get in some writing time at Hex Coffee in Camp North End in Charlotte. I returned later than evening for a 'Drunk Journaling' meet-up with people who love Good Postage, which is also in Camp North End. Fun time had by all!
Saturday was the herb society meeting, which was a great time with fellow gardeners.
In between, it was all work, work, work and a bit of writing.
This coming week...
- Pick up Lady K for the weekend
- Attempt to get the rest of the yard mowed
- Update the herb society social media with the past meeting information
But in the meantime, it's time for dinner and making my iced tea with at least partially substituting some of the sugar with Truvia. I can cook with it, but not liking any of the alternative sugars in drinks...sigh.
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