Writing Wednesday - What to Work On?

I have been writing. However, all my writing has been on posts, journaling and Morning Pages. I have recently restarted writing my morning pages which really helps clear my mind. 

The problem is I have several partially worked on novels sitting there looking at me. And NaNoWriMo is coming. So what do I want to write on? I feel like, after several months of not feeling the need to write, the urge is there. My head is in a much better space. But which one to pick up?

There was an title which came to me a couple of days ago. It involved witches and a fox. Fantastic! The Fox Witch. The Witch and the Fox. Good titles. Then I googled the titles. There is already a couple of series with those titles. Sigh. 

Guess it's ok though since other than a title, I have zero idea of what the plot would be. Actually, I have a second idea with the two main characters, but zero plot. That one is on the back burner because I would really like to use them some time.

The cookbook is almost a MUST finish. It's there. It needs some editing and a bit of reworking. But I'm not sure I want to tackle it again at this time. 

I do have a mystery in my head. I have the characters, I have most of a plot...I have 'stuff'. So this is a real contender. 

While September is pretty packed with a lot of events, I will mull over my choices so more so when October is here, I can start 'Preptober' and really firm up my plan for NaNoWriMo 2024. 



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