Positive Focus Thursday - Animal Spirit Cards

I have started pulling a card for the week from The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit desk and putting it on my altar as a focus to work on during the week.

Two weeks ago I pulled "Mouse".

At first, I was a bit affronted as the description labeled "Mouse" as small-minded, nit-picky, nervous. However, when in balance, you are organized and prepared. Out of balance, it's all about being busy with no purpose. So to get in balance it is suggested to work on a meaningful project.

Once I sat down and started thinking about it, I realized when I get 'unfocused' I tend to be picky and pick on those in the house with me; getting upset about others not helping out in the house, things like that. During "Mouse" times I need to take a step back and concentrate on what I can do and let go of what others should or should not be doing. This trait really tends to come out when I am worried about something (which I have been).

But the issue I have been concerned about seems to have resolved itself to my satisfaction and now I have 3 meaningful projects to work on - my at-home work, my new out-of-the-house job and my writing.

So "Mouse" has been on my altar for the past two weeks and every time I start wanting to 'pick' or 'nibble' at things I remind myself not to be a "mouse". Much better than telling myself not to be an ass!

For this week I have had "Vulture" to guide me. 

When this card was pulled, I had a giggle. We (Texter and I) have been seeing vultures EVERYWHERE! And not just one or two, but huge flocks of vultures. Beside the road, gliding in the sky, just everywhere. We had a good laugh about given our recent sightings of big flocks of vultures, if we were so inclined to want to get rid of someone, just dump them beside the road and they would be gone pretty quick. 

But on a less criminal note, "Vulture" shows up "...when there's a situation that needs to be purified or brought back into balance".   There is a bit of that going on now which, with the additional work I have been given, resolves itself quite nicely. 

And I can see when my "vulture" gets out of whack the drama and aggression shows! Boy, does it show! 

But to keep my "Vulture" in balance I need to clean my space up and use sage. Which I have done. I have discovered 'mess' drives me crazy, so tidying up my room and/or desk area unruffles my feathers.

I have always been fascinated by vultures and am well-pleased with drawing this card for the week. I can visualize opening my wings to the sunrise (because I am always up early) and welcoming the day. I'll know vultures do this to burn off any moisture and/or bacteria on their feathers, I prefer to think they are honoring the sun.

Displaying the cards on my altar has turned into a nice practice for me. It reminds me of positive things to focus on rather than the negative. While it might seem to some to be a very self-centered practice, I know if left unchecked, I can become very passive/aggressive, moody and 'sensitive'. But if I think about myself and the things going on around me, I am more well-balanced and less offended by the fact people are breathing. 

I can't wait to see what next week brings.


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