Tuesday Sundries - 90 Day Planning

I recently 'discovered' Sarra Cannon of Heart Breathings on YouTube. She is an author and writing coach among other things and I have been binge watching her videos the past couple of weeks. (I usually have them in the background while working.) 

She is passionate planning and in order to move forward with all the areas in her life, and to be successful in them, she uses a 90-day plan. 

I have tried monthly planning and yearly planning. I plan my weeks and days, but I feel like I fall short of where I want to be. So I decided to give the 90-day planning a try.


As it turns out, Samhain is the start of the Wheel of the Year. So basically, it's  Wiccan/Pagan New Year. So my 'plan' will cover November/December/January for the first ninety days. It dovetails nicely into plans I had in my head and am now getting down on paper so they are out there in front of me to actually work on rather than sitting there and just being thought about.

I divided my projects into three areas - 

  • Writing
  • Working
  • Spirit (creative/personal)

Sarra uses a white board with sticky notes, as well as a written plan. That way she can move items from..

  • Master Plan - tasks to be completed
  • Get It Done - what currently working on
  • Awesome Job - completed items

It's basically the same formula I currently follow which is to set a project and then break it down into tasks. This method is just a tweaked a bit.

First, you have to decided exactly what I want.

That's difficult since I usually want it all and want it now! 

So my goals for the three areas are:

WORK - Work enough on all my jobs so I am bringing in $3000 a month or more. This includes my retirement. This will give us enough to meet bills and to have a bit extra. 

WRITING - complete Fae Trouble and have it in a format I can beg for Beta Readers. Since NaNoWriMo is November, I should have a super rough draft by the end of November. 

SPIRIT - this is my 'personal' area and includes Health and Creative plans. I really want to concentrate on doing my card readings, completing a couple of needlework/quilting projects and monitoring my vitamins, exercise, and eating.

I won't bore you with how I am breaking them down into plans for the month, week and days. But I will let you know how it's going over the next three months. Wish me well!


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