Week in Review - November 3 - 9

The weather has turned a bit colder here in North Carolina. And I am loving it.

The 'stars' aligned on Friday for me to spend the day with Texter, something we haven't been able to do for a while.

First, it was a stop for a flu shot. 

Yes, I know all the pros and cons of flu shots. But she has a first-grader bringing home germs and I work in a grocery store with hundreds of people spreading whatever every day. And since it was free with our insurance (plus a $5 gift card from Target), we got our shots.

Then it was a quick stop at Starbucks, where she picked up this...

Actually, she was talking about not having a coffee 'mug' at her house when she saw this on display at Starbucks. Being a fox fanatic, she had to have it. I personally like mugs from Starbucks because they fit my hand so well and last nicely.

A haircut followed. I had been wearing a 'bear heading into winter hibernation' look for way too long and needed shearing. She decided to cut her hair back to shoulder length since all she was going was putting it up every day and it was giving her headaches.

Stopping at the mall to finish up a survey (and get my $35) and another stop at Bath and Body because they had their aromatherapy line on sale. Next to the candles, this is what I spend my money on there.

Then it was lunch at Olive Garden.

Note, I did pause long enough to take a bite out of the breadstick. Leftovers have lasted me through the weekend for work lunches.

Then it was back to meet the school bus and drop Lady K off at her dad's for the weekend.

My Budget by Paycheck workbook arrived on Saturday. I am so excited to get started with the actual workbook in January. But more on that later this coming week.

Otherwise this week:

  • Started the 'Covered in Cats' afghan for Savvy
  • Walked over 5000 steps 6 days
  • Finished only 1 book
  • Wrote 4 posts
  • Abandoned attempting NaNoWriMo this year

This coming week:

  • Staying home (no errands) and crocheting on my days off
  • Training for the weekly paperwork for the front office at work
  • Setting up my December budget pages and getting my head in line with the new workbook for 2020
  • Meal planning and post writing planning

But for now, another cup of coffee and then off to work.


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