Bookish Thursday - Comfort Reading

I think we all know about 'comfort food' - food that makes us feel good, takes us back to our childhood, is our go-to for when the world is becoming too much. For me, it's homemade chicken and dumplings or Campbell's Tomato Soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

I realize I also have 'comfort reads' - those books and authors which I will reread over and over again. 

Don't get me wrong. 

It's not that there aren't books out there to read. My bookshelves are testimony to the fact I feel this is probably one of the best times in history to have a book to read. 

Having been an avid reader, the past few years prove to me books are not dead like a lot of nay-sayers have predicted. The abundance of good books to read far exceed my time to read, as well as my pocket book to add them to my shelves. I remember struggling in my youth (decades ago) and reading everything in the library for my age-group and having to bump-up to the adult books.

But sometimes I don't feel like reading a 'new' book. I want the comfort of an old favorite. I want to settle down on the couch or in bed and immersing myself in a world and characters I already know. There are no surprises. In fact, it is more of a skim read - reading the scenes I particularly like. 

Another time I go back to my favorites is when I am expecting a new release. I will go back and reread the last book or two in the series before starting the new book. Most of my comfort books seems to be a series - Anita Blake for Laurell K. Hamilton, Harry Dresden for Jim Butcher, Stephanie Plum for Janet Evanovich to name a few. 

Another occasion I will go back and reread one of my comfort books is when I'm not feeling 'up to snuff'. In fact, it will probably be paired with a serving of my comfort foods to make me feel better. 

Quite frankly, nothing makes me feel better than to have Harry Dresden in bed with me for a bit!

What's your comfort read?


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