Seedy Saturday - Ginger and Other Plant Stuff

Warning: This catalog is crack for gardeners! And I need more sticky notes to mark all the seeds I want to buy in the near future (hopefully). Not only are the pictures drool-worthy, but the descriptions and recipes are great reading. And all for $14.95!

But this past week, in attempting to start cleaning up my kitchen, I realized my ginger was moving along without me.

The Brazilian Organic Ginger I rescued from the trash at work was sprouting whether I was ready to do anything with it or not. Luckily, I did have some potting soil outside. And I had brought home some sheet cake covers from work to hopefully set flats in to germinate (just a shade too short).

Not to be discouraged. I only needed somewhere to plant them for a couple of months until I could move them outside to grow this summer.

After I broke up the hands of ginger, I planted them in the sheet cake domes. Ok, there aren't drainage holes in the domes, but being clear, I can see when they need to be watered. And it's not a permanent situation. So my ginger is happily chugging along in soil now. 

On my flat of seedlings, the dahlias got potted up into small containers. I need more potting soil. I'll mix it with some peat moss I have to make it a bit more 'fluffy' and transplant some of the butterfly bush seedlings which are SSSOOOO crowded because I lost control of the packet when planting. 

Asparagus was doing fine until the cats nibbled the tops off of them. I'm hoping they make a comeback. I have 3 Jack-In-The-Pulpits up. Those however will not be going into the garden anytime soon. The recommendation is to pot them up and keep them potted for a couple of years before planting in the garden. 

I have a few Cardinal Flowers coming up and am hoping the green I'm seeing are at least 1 Witch Hazel, Green Hummingbird Plant, Hydrangea and some Sea Oats. If the sea oats aren't cooperating (they haven't been), then I do have a source via the Herb Society to dig some up. 

The closet needs to be reorganized quickly in order to put the seedlings and the flats in there to keep them out of the hands of cats. I have more seeds which are long germinators I want to get started. The 'real' business of seed sowing will start in January. I can't wait!



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