Tuesday Sundries - One Book July 2020

This morning as I waited for my water to boil to make two big bowls of jello (colonoscopy on Wednesday), I was thinking about July and onward.

If you are like me, and it seems a lot of people, we are all ready for a reboot or regrouping for the second half of the year. Normally July would be dedicated to using only one planner for the entire month.

However, it ain't happening here!

My main reason for not doing One Book July is the fact my planners and journals are a place of peace for me. They give me stability and focus. 

In fact, while I am off the next couple of days I am working on my Q3 plans and they involve a couple of new planners - one for health and one for projects. And with July, it's also Camp NaNo and I want to concentrate on getting on with Sanctuary, which I have neglected for months now.


There will be no One Book July on my desk. In fact, in checking out videos on YouTube, there isn't anything from the usual people I associate with this event. Maybe I'm not the only one finding peace in multiple planners at the present time.


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