Seedy Saturday - Indoor Plants and a Road Trip

First off, my indoor plants, which have been outside all summer, are now all inside. Which means I have a long list of shelving I want to install sometime in the near future so they aren't all just jammed onto tabletops. But some of the shelving is going to be hooks in the ceiling, which means I have to get a small ladder to put them in. Not looking forward to that.


my 'Christmas' cactus (or maybe Thanksgiving cactus) are budding up. I have three large and one small pot of the cacti. Looking forward to that display.

And while it is not technically about my plants or gardening, I did manage to FINALLY travel a bit of the Blue Ridge Parkway last Saturday while I was at SAFF

I have lived in North Carolina for over 30 years (minus the time I was in Montana) and I have never made it over to drive any part of the Parkway. Shame on me!

I only drove about 3 hours worth of the 490 miles of the Parkway - so only a tiny portion. I also stopped at one of the Visitors Centers and at many of the turn-outs to take in the scenery.

It was a bit of a giggle to see this sign after 5 years in Montana. Six thousand feet! Ha!

A couple of the differences I noticed was that (1) the majority of the trees are hardwood, so you get a nice fall color and (2) this is a 'special' road and not just the normal roads to get from point A to B. 

I loved the tunnels. There is something so fun about coming around a curve and there being a tunnel to go through. It also pointed out I need to do this drive with someone else driving so I can take pictures.

I want to come back and drive a different section of the Parkway in the spring/early summer when the rhododendrons are blooming. They are all along the roadway, so it should be really beautiful. It will definitely be a 'pack a lunch and snacks' and plan for a long day on the road. Maybe even loading up Slider so I don't have to get back in a reasonable time.

But today is pumpkin carving day with Lady K, so lots of mess fun coming up!


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