Writing Wednesday - And NaNoWriMo Continues!

I'm so close to hitting my 50K by the end of the month for NaNoWriMo. And so far away!

My house looks like crap. Lady K is here for the Thanksgiving break, so yesterday was spent going to get her after work. For me, that's a 4 hour round trip drive. And I left early so I could stop by the antique mall near her to find a tea cup and saucer for the herb society Christmas Teas.  Bottom line - zero words written yesterday.

But I am currently sitting at 33,359 words - so a little less than 17K to hit my goal.

I'm off today and tomorrow, but I am also needing to not only clean house, but to cook for Thanksgiving. 

One thing I am doing, while writing on the cookbook, is to keep a list of things which I think of as far as 2023 plans and how I want to set up my planners and notebooks for next year. When I think of something, I flip over to that 'brain dump' document and jot it down and then flip back to the cookbook. I also have another document where I am jotting down family 'secrets' which I want to relay to the girls, but not necessarily include in the cookbook. That word count gets added into my total, by the way.

One thing I am semi-sure about for 2023 is my line-up for planners and notebooks.

  • My daily/main planner is my Hobonichi cousin. That's my 'hub'
  • My every-day-carry is my Hobonichi weeks. I will have my work schedule in there and note any appointments so I won't have a conflict with work. I will also use it for notes, tracking spending,  and grocery lists.
  • My yearly and quarterly goals will be digital - hopefully. I have the templates downloaded into Goodnotes. Using my HB90 information, I will generate all my plans and break them down into projects and tasks.
  • I will transfer my quarterly tasks to sticky notes onto my Kanban board. However, bit of a twist there - I will pull my tasks for the week and put them on my pencil board in my planner so they are in front of me for the week rather than being up on the board on the wall. Hopefully, this will allow me to integrate them more smoothly into my weekly planning and not forget what I am supposed to be focused on. Then at the end of the week, when planning the next week, I can more the completed tasks to the board on the wall and pull off the tasks for the coming week. 
  • I need a couple of binders for upcoming classes. One for the class I will be auditing at UNC-Charlotte and another one for the Master Gardener class starting in February. Class dates and assignments will go into my Cousin.
  • Then I need to set up one spot for my home garden plans and notes. Then I can put planting dates into my Cousin.
  • Morning pages! My morning pages have been consistent. However, I have found they have become more of a journal than dumping about writing. So instead of trying to accommodate both morning pages and a journal, it's just going to be one. I have a new notebook coming by the end of the week (thanks to a return to Amazon) which I will use starting on 01 December for my Morning Journal. Less stress on me for trying to maintain two separate 'systems'.
  • My 5-year-journal will be filled at the end of this year and I start a new on as of 01 January 2023. That is in my new Hobonichi 5-year book. I have found I usually go a few days and then play catch-up on what has been going on.
  • And my budget binder for maintaining (or attempting to) my finances on a weekly basis.

It does seem like a lot to some people, but actually, comparing myself to a lot of YouTubers and people on various Facebook groups I am a part of, my planner line-up is relatively sparse. There are a lot of people who use one planner for each area of their lives. I have found that doesn't work for me. I have to have it all together in one spot.

So my Hobonichi Cousin, which is an A5 size, will have everything in it for the most part. Between the weekly and daily pages I will be putting in the following information - 

  • Work schedule
  • Any appointments, meetings and class times
  • Exercise classes I want to attend during the week
  • Tasks I need to do for the week, including homework assignments
  • Planting dates
  • Pay days and bill reminders

In my 5-year journal, I plan to go back to recording the high and low temperatures for the day. But that's easy to go back and access when I am updating weekly. 

But for now, it's back to bed for a quick nap before starting a very busy day!



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