Seedy Saturday - Waiting for the Rain!

Most of the time I write my posts in advance. But today's post is getting written at 5:30 a.m. with a cup of coffee by my side. I am supposed to be working this afternoon, but actually I am eagerly anticipating the rain which is on tap for this weekend. 

Boy, am I hoping for rain today!

Yesterday before work, I did manage to get the last of the tomatoes planted. Huzzah! 

I have a long horizontal row and a half of tomatoes at the back. Then one long row, 2 round 'towers' and 1 short row of tomatoes. In short, about 100 tomatoes in the ground!

The tepee has 3 types of pole beans planted around it. There is also some brown field peas and black beans planted in this area. I also managed to start planting some sunflowers and my okra. 

There is a one row which is still needing to be planted in the rest of the garden.

In that area I will be planting more lima beans, field peas and probably corn. I also want to get another tepee up for luffa gourd and African Drum gourds. 

But one reason I am wanting the rain to come, is that afterwards, the temperatures will go from the low-to-mid 70's to low-to-mid 80's. Warmer temperatures and rain is equal to growth in the garden. 

Unfortunately that growth also means weeding, but that I can deal with happily. 

The pole beans are starting to climb. Which is so exciting to me. And I have a baby winter squash!

I forget exactly what kind this is, but so happy.

My broad beans I am calling the 'Brussel sprouts of the legume world'.

They had me fooled for a bit. The flowers on the broad beans are white with a dark 'eye'. Then all of a sudden they started wilting and turning black. Since broad beans are completely foreign to me, I was concerned.

Perfectly normal. The flowers fade as the baby beans are forming. And the beans stick out from the main stalk. So cute. 

The potatoes are starting to flower which means I will probably be harvesting them by the end of June. 

What's fun is there are potatoes which have grown in one half of my compost bins. So not sure how that will turn out. Once I harvest the potatoes I will replant that area with something else. It will probably be some additional field peas. 

I have been harvesting some kale from the garden for smoothies. Also, I have picked some young Swiss chard for salads. 

So far (fingers crossed), my only 'failures' have been my Sweet Pea Flowers and Sugar Snap Peas. And that is all down to the fact I planted them too late and they don't like that sun on them all afternoon. Especially since the wall behind them is painted black. So I may rip them out this coming week and put my gourds along that trellising which is up already there. 

But in the meantime, a bit more coffee. Then I will go outside before the rain comes and update my schematic of what is planted where in the garden. 


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