Week in Review - January 10 - 16, 2022
This week has been ramping up to the 'S' word arriving!
In North Carolina, the 's' word is SNOW!
After 5 years in Montana, the idea of snow doesn't bother me at all. However, in Montana they have a whole fleet of vehicles and people to salt, plow, and do all that snow stuff. And life goes on as usual.
Here, however, with our one man with a bucket of sand and a little shovel, we go bat-shit crazy. At work, we cut and diced fruits and veggies and put them out, turn around, and they were gone. The store was doing sales every day like it was a major holiday from Wednesday on.
Normally, I work on Sunday and Monday. However, much to my daughter's delight, I said "NO"! I have, in the past, been 'I'll be there no matter what'. This time, I put my foot down and said, 'I won't be there'. So I filled up with gas on Saturday, picked up some books from the library and hunkered down for this 'winter event'.
The storm was supposed to start about 10 p.m. Saturday night. However, when I got up about 2:30 a.m. there was nothing. At 4 a.m. however, there was a heavy dusting of snow. And then it started coming down. We are expecting 2-4 inches of snow here. We got about XX inches.
The major issue was the storm was supposed to switch over from snow to ice/sleet. That's where the real problem comes in. They were forecasting some power outages.
However, in conjunction with 'eat from the pantry', I needed to get a turkey out of the freezer. I defrosted it during the week and put it in the oven early Sunday morning. So the coming week will be a lot of turkey/vegetable soup, turkey sandwiches, turkey pot pie and turkey and dumplings. I'm set for the next couple of weeks with my menu planning and a huge, 15 pound turkey out of the freezer.
Before the storm approached, I stopped by Lowe's to pick up some leek seeds and to check out fencing to put around my 4x4 beds. My plan won't exactly be as pretty as they could be, however, it will fit my budget and keep Slider from walking through the beds. I plan on putting vines all around the garden along the fencing to help hide the wire.
Also this past week, IKEA finally got my Billy bookcases stocked in white. Of course, 2 days later they were sold out again and I know they probably had 50 of them in stock when I bought mine. But I am very pleased with how they look and the additional space for books I have now. It also allowed me to set up the chaise lounge as a reading nook.
Before the storm, I did stop by The Bag Lady and pick up some stones to represent the dragons in the book(s) I'm writing. I still need a nice piece of malachite though. But progress is being made on 'Dragon Earth'. I also picked up some essential oils and will probably burn some the next couple of days while I'm at home.
Otherwise this week...
- Received my first seed order from Baker Creek
- Finished 2 books and abandoned 2 more
- Walked 19.1 steps
- Geared up for the 'winter weather event'
This coming week...
- Another day of being at home due to the snow/sleet
- Getting Lady K for the whole weekend - so chocolate chip cookie baking, popcorn and movie watching
- Full moon on Monday - would like to do some 'infused' water, but it would probably freeze
- Lots of writing and reading
But for now, staying warm and drinking more coffee.
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