Positive Focus Thursday - Small Things

It's that crazy time of the year. People are everywhere, getting in my way the few times I venture into a store.

And of course, now working in a retail environment, I have to mix and mingle with people, trying to be cheerful and helpful (believe me, some days it's harder than others!)

It is also the time of year when temperatures cool off and I am inspired to make cookies.

Ones, which are oldies-but-goodies, like the Peanut Butter Blossom cookies. I can't even begin to speculate the dozens and dozens of these I have made over the decades. Yes, decades!

Others, like the Cran-Pistachio Cookies, are new to me (and yummy, by the way).

So what do cookies and 'small things' have to do with each other? Other than a cookie is a small thing.

Because what is a small thing to you, can be a HUGE thing to someone else. 

What I mean is, I give away most of the cookies I make. I enjoy the act of baking them, but I surely don't need dozens and dozens of cookies to eat in my house. So I bake them and let Texter and Savvy distribute them at work.

Texter walked in with two paper plates of cookies on Friday and couldn't make it from the front of the store to the back with them. They were gone. 

I took a plate full to Savvy on Friday at her GameStop. I giggle as the guys who work there are now 'trained' when I come in that I usually have food and they will probably get some.

I laugh and joke and tell them if they are 'good', Savvy might reward them with a cookie.

Then Savvy told me about one of the young men who is going through a tough time at home and how the cookies mean so much to him.

It makes you stop and think. 

Sometimes, something as small as a cookie, can make someone's day. Make them forget, for a moment, the tough times they are facing. It just goes to show you don't know the story of someone's life outside of the moment you meet them, despite the smile on their face. 

So, cook with love. Be kind to those 'kids' in the store. Fill out those comment surveys on receipts  and praise the person who helped you at the store. Breathe deep and smile at the person who might be having a less than pleasant time in line.

Remember, it's the small things which can mean the most.


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