Writing Wednesday - Fae "Trouble"

So I did finish NaNoWriMo this year with my 50,000 words. Barely.

Between work at home and work outside the home, carting Texter to/from work, Thanksgiving, I barely squeaked in the word count.

I had the story in my head and was getting the basic idea down on paper. 

But I realized early on in the story, the 'situation' had become more like a Judy Garland/Mickey Rooney 'let's have a dance' movie. Laurel, my main character, had a problem/situation and it was being treated like it was every day you discovered there are fae in your backyard and you need to help save them. Let's just skip on over to the old barn and have a dance!

I had watched a couple of YouTube videos, mainly by Sarra Cannon of Heart Breathings, and they reference a book by Jessica Brody, Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. So while at Barnes and Noble earlier in November, I picked up the book.

It has really ticked the right buttons for me with the book I am working on. 

I have the bones of my story and am now going back and reworking it to make it tighter and have more conflict. 

Judy and Mickey don't need to be in this book!


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