Saturday Reading - 2018 to 2019

Only a couple more days left in 2018. While it is tempting to sit and binge read so I can hit 200 books in 2018, it won't be happening. My house is just too big of a mess! Even for me. If anything, I will try and get the last 16.5 hours of The Wheel of Time series listened to.

But I am pleased with what I did accomplish in 2018. 

I have some plans for 2019 with regard to my reading.

First - DON'T act like if I am not the first one to read it, I'll never get a chance to read it. 

I am so guilty of gathering a huge pile of books to read and then not get to all of them. So in 2019, I will put books on the convenient "For Later" list which I can maintain with the library. Then when I need a book, I can pull it from the list.

Second - I have purged quite a few books off my shelves at home. There are some gaps I need to fill back in with my favorite authors. So I'll be keeping my eyes out for those at the second-hand stores.

Third - Read books on my shelf which I haven't read yet. There are a few Robin Hobb I haven't read yet and want to (in order to be a completionist). 

Fourth - More e-books! I have been resisting the use of e-books and I need to utilize my Kindle App and the library resources more by reading e-books. 

Fifth - I would to do more actual book reviews. 

I will probably decrease the number of books I want to set as my goal for 2019 because I need to be writing my own book. 

Can't wait to see what happens on the pages in 2019!


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