Positive Focus Thursday - Stepping Back and Regrouping

How easy it is to become caught up in 'doing' and ignoring taking time to just 'be'.

It seems that has been my life over the past few months...go, go, go. Which leads to stress, stress, stress.

So much so my altar, which is normally a source of calm for me, became neglected.

The problem is, inside I knew it was happening, but my head told me to ignore it and keep on going.

On Sunday, on my way to pick up Lady K, I was going to arrive a bit too early so I decided to stop at Michael's and walk around. There, on sale, was this...

While I am not a Buddhist, I love several of the tenets of the religion. I also find this figure very calm and calming. 

When I arrived back home, I stripped everything off my altar. I am a bit embarrassed about the amount of dust (and baby powder) which had settled on the table. 

Removing the cloth I had covering the top of the altar, I rearranged items to accommodate my Buddha. Most of the water I filled the water feature with was water I had infused during the full moon. He didn't seem to mind combining elements of different religions. 


As it happened, I had also picked up another candle on Sunday with a heavenly (no pun intended) lilac scent.

And I can already feel the effects of the 'cleaning up'. Just looking at the altar reminds me to slow it down and to 'unclench' and relax. To breathe.


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