Week in Review - June 9 - 15


Got home after closing the deli section at Food Lion about 10:30 p.m. and up again (or at least out of bed) at 6:00 a.m. I know I was still awake at 11:41 p.m. I better make do today as next week I have a similar closing shift and open shift back to back. But at least there it is on the front end (cashier).


I got this picture on Saturday before work. Marshmallow is my 'familiar'. However, she does highlight the fact I need to do a bit of tidying this week! I'm off Thursday and I am planning on really house cleaning that day. But if little Miss Marshmallow doesn't stay off my desk this morning there is going to be a big battle.

We were supposed to be 'childless' this week with Lady K in South Carolina with the other grandparents and attending Vacation Bible School. However, Tuesday we had to do a swap out as she developed a severe UTI. After taking her to urgent care and receiving a boatload of meds, she was returned to us. Before you get peeved her dad couldn't care for her while she was under the weather, I do have to give him a pass this time. First, he got sick with some kind of cough/intestinal virus, so I am glad she is out of there. Secondly, and most importantly, she had an ointment apply twice a day to her nether regions. I can understand that might make him a bit uncomfortable as he would have to at least monitor the application with her being six.

I canceled my Direct TV service and am now using Roku as my TV 'provider'. Since we were subscribing Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime, it didn't make sense to continue with Direct TV. Especially since every time it rained, we had interrupted service. I did add BritBox to my line-up. And am bingeing on Gardener's World

Yes, the gardeners are set in England and are a bit different from growing in North Carolina (or Montana), but it is such a great show and I am a Monty Don fangirl. Miss Oklahoma, back in Montana, and I swap "OMG! Did you see...?" about the show and our lists of plants we want has grown longer and longer the more we watch. The Chelsea Flower Show is on my bucket list of places/events to attend.

Speaking of growing...

Saturday before delivering Lady K back to her mother, I did my first bit of harvesting. 

The last bit of lettuce, some basil, lots of peppers, a handful of green beans and a couple of cherry tomatoes. I couldn't resist clipping some nasturtium and zinnia. I said 'clipping' as I found some tiny scissor pruners at the Dollar Tree this year and used them to snip the peppers and beans rather than just pulling them as I have in the past. I felt so "Monty Don" doing so.

Otherwise this week...

  • Walked over 5000 steps 6 out of 7 days. One day was over 11,000 steps! And the day I was under it was still 4100 steps.
  • Finished 1 book
  • Wrote 5 posts
  • Mowed the yard (and I had a yard fairy come and finish the last little bit while I was at work on Saturday)
  • Achieved watermelons and pumpkins setting on the massive vines
  • I have a monarch caterpillar on my milkweed 

This coming week...

  • Bottles of vinegar and pickles being made with what I have picked already from the garden
  • Harvest and dry some herbs
  • Make a batch of salsa
  • Clean up the house a bit, especially my desk area
  • Work 29 hours at Food Lion

But for now, it's more coffee and then go pick up Lady K from her mother to spend the day with me. I'll return her on my way to work on Monday.


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