Seedy Saturday - I'm Going to Seed!

Today, I do feel I am actually going to seed! 

Thursday was spent being a cashier lead, which means I did carts from the parking lot back inside. And closing. So a late night, more physical labor than I normally indulge in. Then Friday was picking up Lady K, driving her down to her dad's house in South Carolina and coming home and running a bath and throwing myself in bed for a long nap.

This morning, I am feeling a bit stiff and I will be going into work later today to work in deli and close up. But I will have Sunday off.


Early this morning was a stroll in the 'garden' and harvesting some seeds from my flowers.

First off, I could also be saving seeds from my vegetables, but I haven't done that before and I am really not into it this year as my tomatoes are planted so close together I don't feel they would be 'true' to the parent.

But I have been picking some seed heads from my flowers and have several containers I dumped seeds into this morning to harvest.

Zinnias, calendula, cleome, morning glory and red cypress vine are the ones I'm saving at the present time. Some for me to keep and some for swaps online. 

Instead of my veggies, I'll focus on the rest of the flowering plants (and not-so-flowering plants).

This is my avocado I sprouted in Montana and brought with us when we moved. I had pinched it back when it was about 6 inches tall in order to make it branch out and be more 'bushy'. It did. I have three trunks on this plant now, but the center trunk has taken off this summer after being transplanted into a larger pot. It is now about 12 inches taller than the other two trunks. 

The piece of ginger root I threw into a pot has sent up several stalks. I have my fingers crossed it will produce some flowers. I plan on just leaving it in the pot until...whenever. 

This is a rescue plant - a Geum chiloense 'Blazing Sunset - or Blazing Sunset Chilean Avens. A perennial, right now it is in a pot and will be transferred to it's forever home when I buy a house. I am also going to try and save seed from this one too.

I now have a pink Asiatic Lily blooming with another one on the way to opening. It's not as big as it's sister on the driveway, but I think it was a smaller bulb to start with.

This is my Mission Giant Marigold and with the plants being almost 3 feet tall, it's living up to the claim. I will save seeds from these too.

Zinnias, pre-harvest for seeds. My nasturtium is puzzling me, I can't seem to get the seed to mature or set. More study is in order. However, I am so happy with them as I have never been successful in growing them before.

So excited! My Hyacinth Bean is putting out spikes and should be blooming shortly. And I will also be harvesting the beans for seeds later on.

Morning glories! These will be a 'mixed' batch of seed saving.

My 'Hairy Balls' or Balloon Milkweed is starting to bloom! Seed saving here too. I can't wait to have large, green balloons on these plants.

My blanket flowers are almost there to start blooming. Another perennial I will be moving with me. Actually, everything in my yard will be dug up if in the ground and moved with me as I have planted everything here except for the oak tree.

The red salvia is doing quite well. My hyssop in the pot with it is coming along. 

Another seed I am excited to be collecting is the cleome. 

My four-o-clocks are really going well. I can't wait for them to start blooming. I've never grown these before either.

The dahlias are coming up and seem to be doing well. Don't know if I have enough time for them to grow and set flowers. There are 3 small stalks coming up also, so it should be interesting. Another plant I've never grown.

A plant I didn't take pictures of is my Passion Fruit. I have 3 vines and I just transplanted them into a larger pot and will keep them there until after I move.

Three more plants which finally started growing for me from seed I received in a swap are...

This is supposed to be a Dwarf Firebush. However, what is 'large' is a Dutchman's Pipe which seemed to have jumped over into this little pot. However, there are some tiny green 'things' popping up, so I am hoping these are the Firebush.

Tababaia, or Trumpet Tree, seems to be doing well. It is a tree, so we will see what happens.

But now, it's time to sort seeds and put them into their envelopes for next year.


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