Week in Review - June 2 - 8

Ok, between last night and this morning I have already been on a 'bitch from hell' streak.

Last night I took the monthly quiz for my work-from-home job. Its purpose is to be sure we are maintaining the guidelines used for our job. We are supposed to make at least 80% on the quiz. Normally, I score about 90%. 

My score last night was 69%. It seemed everything I rated on one question was wrong, so when I applied their 'logic' to the next question, it was wrong. So I am expecting to be told my services are no longer needed. But...

Actually, I am not caring. With my new job at Food Lion, it is hard for me to get in the minimum of 10 hours a week, much less trying to hit 26 hours a week (the maximum). So I am a bit hopeful they will bid me adieu.

Then this morning...

I wanted this.

I am cutting the cable cord. Or rather the Direct TV cord and wanted to get and install Roku. So off I trot (well, drive) to Walmart.

Now, at the best of times, I dislike shopping at Walmart. I avoid them at all costs if possible. But I figured since the store near me opens at 6 a.m., I should be able to get in and out without the urge to choke someone.

I failed!

Yes, the store was basically deserted. Employees stocking away, only one or two other people. And I merrily strode to the electronics department. No one there. So I tracked down an employee who was walking by and asked if he could round up some assistance for me. He said 'yes' and wandered off.

It seems once you start working for Walmart, they instruct you in the art of moving at the rate of a turtle...with one leg missing. I want 'high knees, high knees' and instead they move at the rate of molasses in winter. 

After 10 minutes no one appeared and I walked back to the front in order to find another living body. At this point in time, it is now 6:36 a.m. I asked for assistance in electronics and three employees stopped and looked at me and then one stated, "They don't open until 7" and went on about their business.

So you are telling me what? Come back? Wait until 7 a.m? Do without?

Bitch mode kicked in. 

"May I speak to a manager, please?"

I could almost feel the whole store roll its eyes and heave a sigh. Finally, a manager comes out of the back at an impressive speed, mainly to get me out of the store I'm sure.

I also snagged another pair of compression socks because being on my feet 8 hours a day takes its toll on my left leg. Thank you, Mr. Bunion.


I am at home now. It is supposed to rain all day. I am without Lady K for the next week and my plan for the day is to get housework done. It's almost mandatory since I am scheduled for 40 hours Monday through Saturday. 

The BIG event this past week was the ending of the school year.

Actually, it could have ended the week before without a problem. Monday and Tuesday were 'Field Days', Wednesday and Thursday were movie days with ice cream thrown in. Friday they were 'encouraged' not to bother to show up. Thursday they did hand out tennis shoes to all the kids at the school. 

Earlier in the year, they asked for shoe sizes. It seems there was an anonymous donor of shoes and they handed them out at the end of the school year. This is great as it will see Lady K through the summer and with the growth spurt she is experiencing, the shoes I picked up on sale last week will fit her perfectly when school starts again at the end of August.

I will miss the 'creative' dressing Monday - Friday. She definitely has her own style already. Woe be to us all when she outgrows the 'cowgirl' boots. 

Saturday, Texter and I drove Lady K down to Little Mountain, South Carolina where her other grandparents and father live. It's Vacation Bible School time. It was my chance to finally see where the other half lives. Texter and I were delighted to learn the other grandparents are going to try and keep her for a week (or 2 or 3) during the summer. Huzzah!

However, with Lady K being with Texter during the week and with her father every other weekend, I will only have her around every other weekend. Texter claims I will miss her. Right now, I'm not so sure!

Texter has me hooked on harem pants! She bought a pair at a store here in Charlotte and then one of her penpals sent her three pairs she didn't want. One pair she gave me. I LOVE them! They are cool, even in the humid North Carolina summer and are great to throw on after work with a tank top. I need to get at least one more pair. 

Otherwise this week...

  • Started logging reading and activities for the Summer Reading Program at the library
  • Five books finished
  • Made 5000 steps or more for 7 days in a row
  • Wrote four posts
  • Meal planned for the past week

The coming week holds...

  • Working my feet off...40 hours!
  • Cleaning up the house today so it's all nice and neat for the coming week
  • Laundry
  • Setting up the Roku on the TV upstairs
  • Canceling Direct TV
  • Surviving several days of rain without molding

So for now, it's breakfast - more coffee - and then starting on housework!


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