Tuesday Sundries - We Are Planner People!

If you haven't guessed by this time, I am a 'planner' nut! 

I love my planner. I love all the planners! I want to use them all!

And the 'nut' hasn't fallen far from the tree.

Texter and I rival each other in our love for all things planners, stickers, pens, pencils, stationary. 

I (think I) have planner peace with my Hobonichi line-up. I say I think because when Texter and I were out on Saturday she mentioned she needed a new planner. 

Her current one stops at the end of June. So she needed a new one. A perfect excuse to stop by Michaels. One, because her old one came from there. And two, we had 40% off coupons and she needed one NOW!

She found one which is actually an 18-month calendar and fell in love with it - a Recollections Wellness Planner.

One of the reasons she likes the planner is there is a daily section to track your mood. It is also set up in a way to assist you in tracking, well, your 'wellness'. And with the medical issues she has been having recently, this will be a great way to help her see what works, what doesn't, what might be triggers for things.

Of course, we also had to pick up some stickers. She spent the trip down to South Carolina splitting up the stickers between the two of us. Once we got back to North Carolina, we ran by the house so she could pick up a couple of Lady K's things to move to her house and for me to fork over the sticker booklets I have been using and am tired of. Win-win.

Texter is taking advantage of this week with Lady K being gone to take time to set up her planner - utilize the stickers, move over birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Ok, she's playing with her planner.

The only problem?

I'm jealous! I want a new planner too!

I need to exercise a bit of patience. The new Hobonichi line-up will be released in August and I can order in September. I'm rethinking my use of my Hobonichi planners for 2020.

In the meantime, I'll console myself with strawberry cake!


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