Whatever Wednesday - Missing Creativity

In my goal to save and make money, my 'creativity' was put on hold.

Over the past few months, I have found I am getting stressed out more and more. That translates, for me, into getting crankier and crankier. A state of mind I don't like.

Working 30+ hours outside the home and then coming home and trying to fit in 10 or more hours on my work-from-home job wasn't working for me. Actually, the work-from-home was a chore to make myself do it. Rating YouTube ads and Google searches are very, very boring after the first few minutes.


I made the decision last week to ditch the work-from-home. It will mean I will really have to bite the bullet until November when something else starts for me and I'm home free and can actually save some money toward the new house.

Monday, I unloaded the craft closet. I wanted to look for something I couldn't lay my hands on easily. And decided to re-inventory my projects and take a look at what I can actually get rid of and what I want to keep and work on in the future.

The feeling of relooking at projects on hold, those almost finished and ones I want to start was so good. After a bit of looking and sorting, the bins were fit back into the closet a tad neater than they were when I pulled them out. 

And while I am still cleaning and sorting, I am working on a couple of hats for Lady K and Savvy. It feels good to be playing with yarn again. Next is fabric.


  1. Glad you are getting in some creative time. It is so much a part of you, I think.

  2. How does one go about getting a gig reading ads? I know you said it's boring after a bit, but I could handle a little boring for a small token or two.


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