Seedy Saturday - Lights, Thoughts, Action!


While Lady K was with me last weekend, we went to the nearby park on Sunday. The park, Nevin Community Park, is rather large, and even with some people around, she was still able to play a bit. And we walked some of the paths, coming across what I believe is a rather large mound of "Chicken of the Woods" mushrooms.

I also purchased and 'installed a set of little plant lights

They are a set of two LED plant lights and have a brightness setting and a timer on them. I bought one set and another set has been ordered for the other side of the table. My window does face west, but there is a tree outside, so I don't get very much light in my room. And with winter coming and moving plants indoors, I felt it was time to invest in actual plant lights. 

I am really interested to see how they do in late winter/early spring when I start seeds. Which brings me to another 'resolution'.

I Will Not Attempt to Grow All the Plants!

In particular, vegetables I know I am not really interested in, like summer squashes, cucumbers and the like. It's going to be flowers and tomatoes and peppers, with some herbs, peas and beans thrown in. (Please remind me of this come spring!)

I also treated myself to a stroll through of Oakdale Greenhouses this past week when they posted they had gotten in two truck loads of plants. I am starting a 'wishlist' of plants.

I love this funky 'stem' and a 'grape leaf' every so often.

And I love this Hoya. I have one Hoya already and it is doing rather well (maybe). and I like this usual look.

My problem is the cost! So I am hoping (1) to find a juvenile or smaller pot of either one of these or (2) they will be a reward as I go along for NaNoWriMo.

In the meantime...

I'll enjoy a fall bouquet out of my garden. 


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